Friday, January 6, 2017

An alternate ending.... (CINDERELLA)

Cinderella had a hard life, constantly bowing down to her step mother's needs. her ugly stepsisters were never caring or thankful. All they thought about was the prince. Cinderella and the whole family got an invite to his ball coming up. she was so excited to go. She worked on her dress every day after her chores were done until it was finished, she showed her stepmother and she was appalled. The thought that Cinderella would ever think she could go to the ball was beyond her. Cinderella was so sad, she went to her room and cried. There were vines that hung under her window all the way down to the ground. She had decided that when the rest of the family left for the ball, she would climb down them and go.

The night finally came and there was no turning back. She had climbed down the vines and had left for the ball. When she got there, she realized her invitation had been brought in by the rest of her family and she had no way of getting in. She sat on the step outside the palace and cried. She heard someone behind her and to her surprise it was the prince, asking her if she wanted to come in. She was speechless but was able to whisper out a yes. He brought her inside and her family saw her, they stormed away. She didn't care. This was the happiest she'd been in years. she danced the night away with the soon to be love of her life.

Cinderella and the prince now live in a new palace far away from her terrible family and they couldn't be happier. She now has a maid but treats her greatly, knowing how it felt back in her past days.

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